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Aligning Our Chakras with the Magick of our 5th Sense, Touch

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

In the realm of holistic healing and spiritual wellness, the concept of chakras plays a pivotal role. 

Originating from ancient Hindu philosophy, chakras are seen as the energy centers within our body, each corresponding to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual states. Among the myriad ways to align and balance these chakras, the sense of touch, or tactile sensation, is one of the five traditional senses. The act of physical touch allows us to manipulate objects and navigate our environment, essential for daily activities and tasks.

Touch encompasses the complex system by which the body perceives and interprets various stimuli from the environment through physical contact or emotional well being. This sense is mediated by the nervous system, specifically through receptors in the skin and other parts of the body, which respond to different types of touch impulses such as pressure, vibration, temperature, and pain. Touch is a primal form of communication and connection, capable of conveying comfort, love, and healing. 

The Power of Touch in Chakra Alignment

When it comes to aligning our chakras, incorporating the sense of touch can be transformative, offering a direct pathway to harmonize our energy centers. Each of the seven main chakras, from the root to the crown, resonates with specific aspects of our being. Misalignment's or blockages in these chakras can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.

Here's how the power of touch can play a crucial role in aligning each chakra:

Root Chakra (Muladhara): Pedicures or reflexology are great examples of physical touch that can help stabilize and reinforce feelings of security and stability. Walking barefoot on the ground below us or gardening, is our connection with mother Earth. When we feel the soil in our hands and feet, hold a seed or growing plant. We are connecting with Mother Earth at the root level.Red vibrates at 432hz, so holding or wearing anything red while lying on the ground or receiving message can relax you into a grounding state.

Sacral Chakra (Svādhiṣṭhāna): Applying gentle warmth like a heating pad or warm bath can stimulate our abdominal center, enhancing creativity and emotional balance. The warmth of touch nurtures the inner child and fosters a sense of pleasure and well-being.  Orange vibrates at 480hz, so holding or wearing anything orange while connecting with your childhood can bring you to that warmth state of feeling held and loved.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): A firm touch or massage around the stomach area can boost self-esteem and assertiveness. It's about empowering the individual through touch. The color yellow vibrates at 582hz. so holding, wearing or eating anything yellow will promote the sensation of food going down into the belly and relaxing those little fluttering butterflies.

Heart Chakra (Anahata): Touch plays a vital role in opening and healing the heart chakra. Hugs, or tapping the chest area, can turn the heart light of love, compassion, and forgiveness on. The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras. When the heart is glowing, its halo shine overlaps the Solar Plexus and the Throat chakra, aiding them in burning brighter.  The color green vibrates at 594hz, so holding or wearing anything green can bring the feeling of unconditional love that extends out. If you have someone to hold, just hold them, you can turn both your heart lights on!

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Gentle neck and shoulder massages can enhance self-expression and unlock the beauty of our voice. The Throat Chakra is all about communication and human interaction by conveying emotions and facilitating social bond with other humans or animals. The color blue vibrates at 672hz, so holding or wearing anything blue can open up those airways and allow you to speak.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Receiving Reiki energy or gentle touch to the forehead can stimulate intuition and insight. This fosters a connection between the mind and the body, enhancing spiritual awareness. The color indigo vibrates at 720hz, so holding or wearing anything indigo can allow us to see truth.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): While the crown chakra is less about physical touch and more about spiritual connection, gentle head massages or even the light laying on of hands can promote a sense of unity and enlightenment. The colors purple and white vibrate at 768hz, so holding or wearing anything purple or white, in theory, free your mind, and know source (God).

Integrating Touch into Chakra Work

Incorporating touch into chakra alignment involves mindfulness and intention. It's not merely about the physical act but the energy and thought behind it. Whether through self-massage, professional therapeutic touch, or simple gestures of affection, the key is to be present and open to the healing potential of touch. Moreover, combining touch with other chakra-balancing practices like meditation, yoga, and aromatherapy can amplify its effects. For instance, using essential oils with specific vibrations during a massage can enhance the alignment process, creating a multi-sensory experience that addresses the chakras on multiple levels.  

Wrapping it up

The magic of our 5th sense, touch, is a profound tool in the journey towards holistic wellness and spiritual balance. By consciously incorporating touch into our chakra work, we open ourselves to a world of healing possibilities. It's a gentle reminder of our interconnectedness and the power of simple, human connections in fostering well-being. In aligning our chakras through touch, we tap into the ancient wisdom that recognizes the body not just as a physical entity but as a vibrant landscape of energy and spirit.


 Until we meet again, book a massage, wear some color, hug someone and let them know they’re special!

Stay tuned for the next post, on March 21st:

Aligning our Chakras: Magic of Extrasensory Perception



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